ESkillIndia Customer Care Number is 01147451600, its email id is [email protected], and the head office address is National Skill Development Corporation #301, 3rd World Mark 1, 306, Northern Access Rd, Aerocity, New Delhi, Delhi 110037. Read more about the company overview, social profiles & website link details.
You can find out the customer care details of ESkillindia. Besides contact details, the page also offers a details overview of the company ESkillindia. Reach ESkillindia’s customer Care below for support, complaints, or feedback.
ESkillIndia Customer Care Address, Email Id, Phone Number
Phone Number: 01147451600
Email Id: [email protected]
Office Address: National Skill Development Corporation #301, 3rd World Mark 1, 306, Northern Access Rd, Aerocity, New Delhi, Delhi 110037
Telephone Number: Not Available
Fax Number: Not Available
Instagram: NA
Know More About ESkillIndia
eSkillIndia is a digital skilling platform initiated by the Government of India in 2015. Serving as a comprehensive hub for online learning, it provides diverse courses, spanning basic computer skills to advanced programming languages. The platform is freely accessible to individuals with an internet connection.
eSkillIndia presents a range of user-friendly features for effective learning:
- Interactive Courses: Engaging content includes video lectures, quizzes, and hands-on exercises for an interactive learning experience.
- Personalized Learning: Users can tailor their learning plans to align with individual needs and interests.
- Certifications: Completion of courses earns users certificates, adding value to resumes and job opportunities.
Apart from its online courses, eSkillindia extends offline programs like the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), targeting skill training for unemployed youth.
eSkillindia has garnered praise from users and critics for its diverse course offerings, emphasis on interactive learning, and dedication to inclusive education.
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